Sunday, 11 July 2010

Not Again...

It's been a while since my last post and there has been a reason for it... i may have been over doing it again.

I raced in the AAA's for the first time since 2007, and it was a great experience again. The crowds and cameras were different from the usual races, as was my performance. Again i was with the leading group, well chasing group after Luke Gunn shot off after 800. I was hoping to sit in and cover the breaks as they occured. I did that but with 1k to go the wheels fell off again and i struggled home in 9:09. Shocking considering how easy i felt the last time i ran 9:09.

Since then i have been completely drained, i have not been able to barely any running. The following week i was drained i took most of the week off as i was so out of it. I raced in the British league that Saturday and finished 4th in 9:20. The next day as i was walking round i felt physically sick.

I went to see John Rogers, my friend a GB doctor, and he has gone through all the symptoms and ran some blood tests. These tests have come back normal and this in turn has pointed to the overtraining syndrome.

Since then i have been limiting my self to one run a day no more than 25-30 mins. I am starting to feel better and am planning to start doing sessions this week. I am planning on racing at the England champs in Gateshead, depending on how i react will depend on what happens for the rest of the season.

I am not going to record my training for the past few weeks as i think it's in the region of 50 miles for 2 weeks.