Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The Result

Well, the result, yes, let's say it couldn't have gone much worse. My first voluntary DNF in almost 13 years of racing. The others have been due to injury.

Felt good in the lead up, warm up went well and was feeling fairly confident. Went off with the pace at the start and in hindsight this was probably the problem. The first k was about 2:45 so around 8:30ish pace I was around 3rd/4th and feeling ok. A little bit of hustling and barging but nothing out of the ordinary. Then with 3 and a half laps to go it seemed a switch was flipped. The arms and legs went and I started going backwards, just before the 2nd to last water jump I dropped out. I honestly felt though if I had tried to continue i would have caused some permanent damage.

So what did i learn? Race smarter, go off a bit steadier and work through the field, the race did slow and people did move through or slow down.

So onwards and upwards, next one the BAL at Sports City