Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Sorry I don't do marathons...yet

It's about this time of year, every year, i will be asked the same questions and they mainly focus around the trend, Have you/Are you running the London Marathon. Each time i have to grit my teeth, smile and indicate that although i do run a fair amount compared to the average Joe the marathon is a little bit too far.

I'm sure at some stage i will be tempted by the 26.2 miles but while i still have a few fast twitch fibers in my legs I'll stick to the shorter stuff. Although after watching the race on Sunday i may need to keep a few of them just to keep up! The leaders were putting 3 or 4 4:30 minute miles back to back and this was after 15 miles. There were great runs by fellow group members Dave Norman and Gareth Raven with the husband of Donna Jones, Andi Jones, finishing 2nd Brit.

I have a huge amount of respect for marathon runners, those that i know and train with along with the world leading athletes that head up the races around the world. To train for a marathon you have to sacrifice so much more than a normal runner as during the week at some stage you will have to go out for 15 mile runs and Sunday runs will be the same if not further. To focus on a good time weekly mileage has to be around or above 100 miles, sessions are focused on maintaining sustained efforts for longer periods with the same if not less recovery. The race itself pushes your body to the limit, after 18 or so miles the body is virtually drained of glycogen stores or quick energy so it then has to start turning to other sources be it fat or muscle, which are that little more difficult to access.

A big congratulations to all those that competed, it's a monumental effort and i hope you can now just about walk!

To the training diary.

Sunday 18th: 9:39 (58:01, 7.53mi, 7:42 min/mi) Out with Tom and some of the Sale old guard in Center Parcs (I was here for a friends birthday), we were running through the woods twisting and turning thus the slower than normal pace. We were planning on getting out for 20 mins in the evening but after a day of 'activities' Tom and i were pretty shot.

Monday 19th: 8:17 (22:22, 3.16mi, 7:05 min/mi) Out with a steady run with Tom before leaving.

19:03 (WU 15:16 2.10 mi, Tempo 24.24 4.77mi (5:12, 5:06, 5:03, 5.00, 4:02) WD 13:54 1.70) Barnsey, Bondy, Dave and Andy Norman, Tom, Dave Proctor, Niall Brooks. This was supposed to be steady after the race at the weekend, we don't seem to do steady at the moment! In hindsight should probably have gone to 5 miles, but legs felt battered.

Tuesday 20th: 12:43 (25:27, 3.84mi, 6:38min/mi) Still not into a routine plus felt shattered, so steady run at lunch.

17:55 (35:29, 5.23mi, 6:47min/mi) Took it steady in the evening.

Wednesday 21st: 12:51 (22:03, 3.30mi 6:41mini/mi) Feeling ok but legs were not quite all there.

19:03 (WU 15:39 2.10mi, 4*1200 1*800 (3:24, 3:24, 3:24, 3:24, 2:16) 90 sec recovery, WD 15:15 2.12mi) With Barnsey, Bondy, Mike and Steffan. Consistent, which is key, would normally have just done the 4 but decided to do an extra 800 taking out the first lap for the rest of the group. Legs were definitely tired after.

Thursday 22nd: 7:05 (23:45, 3.43mi, 6:56min/mi) Not feeling too bad after the night before.

17:46 (34:35, 5.24mi, 6:36min/mi) Still feeling a little tired but able to clip along at a fair pace.

Friday 23rd: 8:10 (19:38, 2.76mi, 7:06) Not the best of morning runs, cut it short.

Lunch: S&C session.

18:18 (33:26, 5:05, 6:37) Ran from home for a change, different scenery and route helped me get round.

Saturday 24th: 10:45 (WU 12:32 1.67mi, 4*1 mile(4:55, 4:59, 5:01, 5:02) 1 min rec, 10 minutes jog, 3*200 (27, 29, 27) 30 sec recovery WD 12:48 1.64) I was glad to get the session done, Barnsey, Bondy, Tom and Dave all involved. Fairly happy with miles although would have preferred them under 5 mins.

Week total: Approx 64 miles

Although a normal week of miles i hadn't properly recovered after the weekend so was running fairly tired for most of the week. Sessions were good which counts for something. Next week will be fairly similar with Saturdays session a steady one before the first Stretford on the 4th.


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