Sunday, 2 May 2010

I'll have the carbs please

Running twice a day and doing everything else in between means that i burn through quite a few calories in a day. We are lucky we can eat pretty much what we want although it has to be balanced.

While i was injured in 2007 i put on a little weight, around half a stone, due to inactivity and i was still eating like i was in full training. Once i was back in training although i lost some of the weight i was still a fair amount above my ideal racing weight. After a few months a fellow runner, Steffan North, took a nutritionist course and offered to have a look at what i was eating and make some suggestions. So for a week i weighed my food, noted the drinks i was taking and kept hold of any wrappers or packets that i ate. Steffan then took all the data and performed the analysis. After a week he came back with the results. It seemed that although i was eating enough, the make up of the food wasn't in the right proportions, my fat intake was far too high while my carbohydrate was no where near what it should have been. As an athlete any food that i take in should be less that 20g per 100g, you'd be surprised how high the fat content is in everyday foods. Have a look next time you're wandering around the shops. And my carb in take per day should be the main source of energy, from things such as whole-wheat pasta, potatoes, rices and breads.

With the advice from Steffan, i have since altered my diet to be more suitable and i have the difference. I have dropped to a more acceptable weight, a little more than what i was when i ran my pbs, but i believe this is due to the additional muscle mass i am now carrying.

Right to the training.

Sunday 25th April: 8:29 (1hr 23min, 11:07mi, 7:34min/mi) OUt with Matt early allowing us to get back to watch the marathon. Good runs from the members of the group, Dave and Gaz. Also good to see a lot of the brits doing well.

Monday 26th April: 12:43 (23:32, 3.55mi, 6:38min/mi) Nice steady run, knew there was another tempo coming in the evening.

19:06 (WU 15.25, 2.16min, 6 mile tempo (5:39, 5:24, 5:16, 5:13, 5:06, 4:56) WD 9:17, 1.21mi) Really happy with this session, was supposed to be a gradual build up for the first 3 miles, we were supposed to start with a 5:35 and then speed up by 5 seconds every mile. Matt Barnes, Matt Bond, Dave Proctor and Andy Norman were leading the group and were pushing on 10 seconds every mile. I sat with Tom and after the 3rd mile we held off allowing the rest of the group to get ahead. However in the last 2 miles we picked up the pace and caught Andy and were making ground on the rest of the group by the time we finished.

Tuesday 27th April: 7:30 8 miles on my bike to work.

12:59 (14:47, 2.23mi, 6:38min/mi) Just a steady couple of miles before a short Strength and Conditioning session in the gym.

17:45 (47:10, 7.66mi, 6:09min/mi) Haven't done this run for a while, i get dropped off on the way home from work and run through Poynton and Woodford back home. It's a nice run and a gradual down hill. Felt relaxed and was very surprised at the average pace.

Wednesday 28th April: 7:39 (18:29, 2.64mi, 7.00min/mi) Early run feeling a little sluggish after run day before.

19:03 (WU 15:15, 2.12mi 4*200 15 sec rec, 1 lap jog, 4*300 45 sec rec, 1 lap jog, 4*200 15 sec rec (28, 29, 29, 29, 45,45, 42, 43, 29, 29, 29, 28) WD 16:01, 1.96mi) Speed session, which was oddly enjoyable. Was on my own for this one. Was told off after the second 300 for running within myself and had to push down to the 42/43s.

Thursday 29th April: 17:52 (42:17, 6.17mi, 6:52min/mi) Today was my own fault, overslept and then had a meeting at lunch so only the one run today. Had a massage after and didn't seem to have many tight areas which is always a bonus.

Friday 30th April: 7:52 (20.22, 2.89mi, 7:03min/mi) Made it up this morning, felt fine, a little lethargic after the massage.

Lunch: Strength and conditioning session.

18:41 (35:48, 5.31mi, 6:45min/mi) Steady run after work, no niggles after the gym and feeling relaxed.

Saturday 1st May: 10:35 (WU 15:54, 2.12mi, 7*300 45 sec rec (46, 46, 44, 44, 45, 44, 44) WD 7:17, 0.98mi) last session before opening track race on tuesday. Felt good sharing the load with Matt Barnes and Ryan Worland. After the session did some hurdle work, a little rusty but should be working on it each week until my first chase which is pencilled in on the 5th of June.

Week total: Approx 62 miles + 8 miles on bike.

Another steady week with some good sessions. Coming off the miles for the next few days in preparation for the 3k on Tuesday. Planning on going through in about 65s so 8:08 pace for the first half and then see what we have left in the last half. We'll see what happens.


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