Tuesday, 18 May 2010

I'll have confidence to go.

I'm sure i'm not the first person to say this but if you could bottle and sell confidence you would be an overnight millionaire. In all walks of life confidence puts people ahead, be it work, the opposite sex or in my case sport. Being able to go on to your life/sporting arena feeling unbeatable gives you a one up on the competition, it's something people crave.

When i 16 and 17 i oozed confidence, i would go into races feeling unbeatable and in quite a lot of the instances would come out on top. However over the years this confidence has gradually drained away for one reason or another and the self confidence when i come to compete can sometimes be lacking. I openly admit this and it is something i am looking to improve, mainly by having a long conversation with the person staring back from the mirror.

You hear about confidence coaches who give people back their self esteem, what i need to start winning races or running PBs. With these i should get back to level i feel i should be at. If you believe in yourself that's greatest battle overcome.

Last weeks training:

Sunday 9th May: 9:37 (1 hr 13 min, 10:51mi, 6:58min/mi) Out on my own, felt good, pace and distance ok, looking forward to a fairly hard week.

Monday 10th May: 7:33 (23:16, 3.26mi, 7:08min/mi) Steady morning run nothing of note to mention.

Lunch: Light S&C session.

19:07 (WU 15:45, 2.13mi, 1k 3min 600m 10 min pulled out of second set WD 15:54 2.05mi) This was meant to be more of a 1500 session. First set went ok, 2:34 and 91 for reps. Got cramp in calves in first 300 of second set, this is something i seem to suffer from in these sort of sessions. I have tried to overcome it with compression socks but the cramp actually comes above the socks. Looking into new ways of overcoming it.

Tuesday 11th May: 18:26 (47:35, 7.39mi, 6:26min/mi) Just the one run today because i overslept and had a work event stopping me going at lunch. No major effects from previous night.

Wednesday 12th May: 12:38 (24:19, 3.61mi, 6:44min/mi) Steady run, felling fine heart rate normal.

18:27 (WU 15:12, 2.14mi, 8*400 over barriers (avg 64 sec) WD 12:00 1.62mi) First proper hurdle session felt good, although technique still needs a bit of work. Started fairly quick (62) but held them together.

Thursday 13th May: 8:00 (21:09, 2.98mi, 7:07min/mi) Hips and groin a little sore from the night before slightly affected my running style.

13:11 (38.13, 5.89mi, 6:30min/mi) Still a little sore, glad to be having massage in the evening.

Pm Massage.

Friday 14th May: 13:26 (24:41, 3.62mi, 6:49min/mi) Sore and slightly tired.

19:26 (24:54, 3.69mi, 6:45min/mi) Nearly didn't go for this run, felt very tired.

Saturday 15th May : Cycled to and from session 14 miles

10:38 (WU 15.10, 2.14mi, 7*300 (Avg 45), WD 7:47 1.09mi) Felt good in this session was leading the younger group through, feeling ready for Tuesday.

Weekly Mileage: Approx 55 miles running + 14 miles bike

Ok week, annoyed with the session on the Monday. My masseur suggested drinking tonic water before, because of one of its qualities, to help with the cramps. Going to try it next speed session. Will have a steady few days before the 3k at Stretford on the Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. I know you haven't run a 3K chase yet this year; hopefully, you will be back under 9 mins. by a long way. It might help your confidence if you reassessed the training you did in 2006 when you ran 8.47 and just reassure yourself that you will get back to that kind of form. I'm a tad puzzled you are tired on 55 miles per week. A distance I frequently run at 61. But of course I don't do 3 speed sessions per week. Perhaps sub a tempo run for speed endurance instead of one?
    Just a thought. All the best,
    Terry Lonergan
