Saturday, 29 May 2010

Where is that come from?

Unexpected performances come in two ways, the first is where you will go out and run a huge PB, feel easy and read to do it all again 15 minutes later. The other is where Murphys law comes in (not to be confused with Tuckers law, see Thick of it), everything that could go wrong will go wrong. For everyone, the good unexpected is what we hope for everytime we race, if not you expect to perform close to how you've been training. However when the other happens you'll scratch your head, try and figure out what happened, how it happened and why it happened. In the last 3 weeks although i have not experienced the good side, i have experienced the bad. I had a 3k at Stretford, a follow up to my opener 2 weeks prior, was hoping to go close if not quicker to that previous race. This time there were no pace makers, i was hoping that some one would take the pace on but after a slow opening half lap i had to go to the front and get the pace to around what i wanted. After the first half i was pulling through 4 others at a time i felt comfortable and happy with without feeling too pushed. However after 5 laps everything went wrong, the wheels came off and i went backwards. i ended up finishing in a time of 8:41, a time i will hope to be running quicker than over the steeplechase barriers! My coach and i tried to dissect what could have happened, i had some blood tests and looked at the training. I came to the conclusion it was just one of those days.

Since then i have raced twice and both have been a lot better performances, so that race is definitely one to forget about.

I'll give a quick overview of the last 3 weeks otherwise this will be a very long one!

Sunday 16th May: (1 hr 8 min, 9.27 mi, 7:20 min/mil)

Monday 17th May (32:40, 4.91 mi, 6:39 min/mi)

Tuesday 18th May (WU 10:57, 1.53 mi, 3k stretford 8:41, WD 16:39 2.15 mi)

Wednesday 19th May (25:00, 3.61 mi, 6:56 min/mi) Pm WU 15:53, 2.13 min, Tempo, 2.13 mi, 5:12 min/mi) Felt shattered was thinking of doing speed work but called it a day.

Thursday 20th May (43:10, 6.51 mi, 6:38 min/mi) pm (25.15, No gamin)

Friday 21st May Rest day

Saturday 22nd May (Wu 15:31, 2.13 mi, 3*1k pace making 5k session (2:47, 2:47, 2:44) WD 15:30 2.10 mi)

Week total Approx 40 miles

After the race i felt awful for the next few days and came right off everything. Started to feel better come Saturday.

Sunday 23rd May (1 hr 22min, 11.57 mi, 7:08 min/mi)

Monday 24th May (21:55, 3.03 mi, 7.14min/mi) Pm (WU 16:01, 2.11mi 4*600 (91, 86,87, 88) WD 10 min)

Tuesday 25th May (29:08, 4.23 mi, 6:53 min/mi) pm (31:24, 4.63mi, 6:43 min/mi)

Wednesday 26th May (24:02, 3.57 mi, 6:45 min/mi) pm (WU 15:35, 2:09, 7*300 (avg 44/45) WD 14:06, 1.95mi)

Thursday 27th May (28:59, 4.35 mi, 6:40 min/mi) pm (31:16, 4.74 mi, 6.36 min/mi)

Friday 28th May (28:17, 4.25 mi, 6:40 min/mi)

Saturday 29th May, (WU 13:18, 1.90 mi, BMC 1500 C 3rd 3:48.02 PB, Pace making 1500 E race (2:02) WD 14:12, 1.90 mi) Happy with the race, sat in the first 2 laps and then started to move through the field, with 300 to go was about 5th or 6th, was pushed into lane 3 by some argy bargy around 200 to go. Coming of the final bend the front 2 had got away so just powered home. Felt strong, hopefully more to come.

Week total Approx 54 miles

Feeling so much better than the previous week, happy with the race, hopefully the first of many this season. Looking forward to first chase next week, just going to get back into the rhythm before Watford. On the monday i did something to my left knee in the last rep, had a massage on tuesday and he diagnosed problem as slightly strained knee ligaments and tight IT band, had to do a lot of stretching during the week.

Sunday 30th May (1hr 14 min, 10:03 mi, 7:27 min/mi) Knee was very tight after previous night.

Monday 31st May (24:51, 3:48 mi, 7:09 min/mi) Pm (Wu 15:48 2.11 mi, 4*800 over hurdles (2:15, 2:13, 2:13, 2:11) WD 14:56, 1.62 mi)

Tuesday 1st June (32:19, 4.81 mi, 6:44 min/mi) pm (Approx 30 min, watch dies mid run)

Wednesday 2nd June (Approx 28 min) Pm (WU Approx 16 min 7*300 (avg 44) WD approx 12 min)

Thursday 3rd June (26:14, 3:55 mi, 7:23 min/mi) pm (29:22, 4:29 mi, 6:51 min/mi)

Friday 4th June (26:17, 3:58 mi, 7:21 min/mi)

Saturday 5th June (WU 9:45, 3kSC 2nd 9:09, 1500 6th A 3:54 WD 15:04, 2.01mi) Felt a complete fool after the chase, sat in the first 2k feeling very easy, took it on and opened up a 20m lead coming off the last barrier i was easing down but was shouted at that second place was coming after me by the time i reacted he was besides me and pipped me by 0.11 of a second. This won't happen again! 1500 was a gradual wind up, 2:07 through 800, 2:52 through the bell and winner finished with 3:48.

Weekly milage Approx 50 miles.

Although stupid in the chase i felt really good, lots left in the tank, which bodes well for Watford. Will ease off towards the end of the week and hope for a good time!


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